Summer is in full swing now.  The leaves are growing unbelievably fast.  The first flowers I saw this year?  Some purple flowers by the side of the road in town.  I don't know what they were, though.  :P
However, yesterday, I spotted a violet (which I've learned is probably actually a viola, but I've always called them violets) outside our house yesterday.  Also found that the bluebell buds are starting to open.  I took pictures of the violet and will post one of them. 
I've been focusing a lot on trying to capture birds.  I finally have some pictures of yellow-rumped warblers.  They're not very good, but they're a start.  I will be posting those when I'm done with blog.  Finally got a good picture of a robin, as well.  Just in the last few days, I have photographed robins, woodpeckers, juncos, and warblers. 
I've also gotten some really good sightings of hermit thrushes.  Now, normally I wouldn't know for sure if it were a hermit thrush, a gray-cheeked thrush, or another similar looking bird, however, at least one of them had the courtesy to sing for me, making him unmistakable.  In my opinion, the hermit thrush has the most beautiful song around.  :)
I also have some drawings I will try to post.  I hope you enjoy!  :)
Oh, yes, and the weather has been gorgeous!  Mostly in the 70s, some cooler, some warmer.  We could use a little more rain, though.  God bless!  :)
Ahh!  The joy of spring!  Spring and summer kind of blend together around here.  It seems that spring is a feeling in the air before the snow melts; something that says "Summer's coming."  Then it becomes a muddy, muddy mess as the snow melts.  Had to redig some trenches this year.  Well, now the spring streams are dried up, and the sun is out and so warm....  The dogs are happily lounging around in the sun.  Ahhh, beautiful!  And a song was added among the cheerful varied calls of the chickadees and "sweeeet" of the redpolls.  I have yet to see one, but the robin's song rang out sweet and clear.   There's something about the robin's takes my breath away every time. 
Welcome back, sweet singers!  :)
Nature around these parts of late:

Black-Billed Magpie
For several weeks, a black-billed magpie could be seen hanging around near our dogs' yard.  He may still be around, I'm not sure.  His presence is a bit of a surprise since magpies are not usually seen this far north.  Look in any bird field guide, and it will not show magpies living as far north at any time of year.

However, in the past few years I have heard some reports of sitings from friends and acquaintences.  This is the first I have seen of a magpie here in Fairbanks.  (When I lived in Washington state, I saw them all the time.)
To see a picture of a black-billed magpie and hear its call, go to  

I observed this magpie flying around with a much larger raven.  Not surprising on the raven's part; ravens are extremely playful.

Red Fox
A few days ago, I glanced out the window to see a small red creature trotting away down a path in the woods.  My first thought was of a pomeranian.  Of course, that seemed strange.  A few moments later, I glimpsed his tail--big and fluffy with a white tip.  It was definitely a red fox.  About an hour later, I caught sight of him again for a few seconds.  I waited a few minutes, then I went outside and cautiously made my way to where I had seen him.  He was long gone, of course, but I did get some good shots of his tracks.  Hopefully, I'll have those pictures up on the website soon.  :)